Indiana Angus Association
Director’s Meeting
Hawk’s Tail Golf Course
February 12, 2022
Welcome – Jeff Sherfield called the meeting to order at 3:12pm welcoming all those there. Members present: Jeff Sherfield President, Clint Coverdale 2nd VP, Bob Dragani Treasurer, Julie Innis Secretary, Past President- Kevin Newman. Directors- Jeff Innis, Steve Patton, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Kevin Swaim, Rob Knott, Dr. Phil Howell, Loran Wilson, Paul Hart, Marlene Dukehart. Aux. Reps- Cortney Cates, Rebecca Knott- Others- Tyler Cates, Krista Stillwell, Judy Howell, Steve Shoup, Casey Jentz, Kathy Wilson
Secretary’s Report-The secretary’s report was presented by Julie Innis. Steve Patton moved to approve. The motion was 2nd by Paul Hart. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
Treasurer Report- see handouts- There were separate handouts for Adult Assoc. Preview and Jr. Courtney Cates noted there should be a correction regarding the buckles purchased as awards. That cost should come out of the adult account not the junior account. We budgeted of 300.00 to come out of the adult account. Dr. Lamb moved we approve the financial reports as presented the motion was 2nd by Loran Wilson. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
Budget and Finance Report- see hand out- Kevin Swaim presented the proposed budget for 2022. Bob Dragani moved we accept the report. Rob Knott 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
Activities/Show Report- Rob Knott Congratulated Sunrise Sunset Farms for their recent accomplishments. He shared we will be adding a phenotype / genotype show at the end of the Open Show on Saturday at Preview this year. Our Preview Show on Father’s Day weekend 2022. He announced we will select a judge tonight at our dinner. Cortney Cates announced she will help procuring sponsorships again this year.
Membership Report- Kevin Newman reported for Diane Hazlett we currently have 74 paid members with 14 of those being new members to the Association.
History Report- Kevin Swaim announced we will be recognizing 5 farms this year with historic herd awards to hand out at our awards banquet.
Long Range Planning Report- Rob Knott stated he attended the CAB conference in Wooster OH last month. At this conference there was a focus on the importance of planning strategically. He found it very motivational and encouraged all of us to consider attending as well. Rob volunteered to be on this committee moving forward.
Communications Report – Dr. Howell turned the floor over to Krista Stillwell. She announced the Jan/Feb. issue of the News has been mailed out, but no one has received theirs yet. We think this is due to recent weather impacting deliveries.
Annual Banquet Report- Kevin Newman announced we would be gathering later today for our dinner and awards banquet. He explained the Smith family who owns and operates the facilities of Hawk’s Tail Golf Course, are members of the Indiana Angus Assoc. with Brandywine Cattle Co. He also announced Casey Jentz, our regional director would be our guest speaker for the evening.
Auxiliary Report- Becky Knott shared we are looking at scheduling spring luncheon in late April this year. Nine juniors have earned their achievement awards this year. They will be recognized at the banquet this year. The Angus Women Connected conference is coming up. Krista Stillwell will be attending.
By Laws Report- Rob Knott explained the By Laws committed has met and are looking at corrections and additions to our current By Laws. They have asked Dave Retherford to review this process giving us legal suggestions for changes. We will be voting on proposed changes at our next meeting.
Junior Angus Report- no report
Old Business- Dr. Howell asked about the trailer status. Steve Shoup stated he has the title for the trailer. He will take needed paperwork to a Farm Bureau Agent as well as getting an estimated value of the trailer.
New Business- Cortney Cates announced there was a request at the Southeastern regional meeting asking if we could include logos for our regional page in the directory. Krista stated if she has logos, she would be able to design that for us.
Steve Shoup announced that he had spoken to Glenn Davis, our 1st VP. Glenn would like to resign as VP as they are looking at the possibility of moving out of state. Steve recommended we appoint someone else in his place pending approval of the board. Steve explained Jeff Sherfield recommended we appoint a nominating committee – Jeff Sherfield then appointed Dr. Bruce Lamb, Loran Wilson, Dr Phil Howell, and Kevin Swaim to the nominating committee to find a replacement for this position.
Kevin Swaim shared ISF 4 H judges Nick Fitzsimmons for steers and Dr. Scott Schaake & Terri Barber for Heifers. Dates for the state fair are- Aug. 5th & 6th.
Clint Coverdale- Jason Miller’s wife volunteered to chair the Angus Show at Hoosier Beef Congress.
3:52 pm a motion to adjourn was presented by Bob Dragani and 2nd by Rob Knott. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.