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  • Writer's pictureIndiana Angus

Indiana Angus Auxiliary Hosts Annual Luncheon

The Indiana Angus Auxiliary met for their Yearly Meeting/Spring Luncheon at the Farmstead Inn in Shipshewana. The Northeastern District committee chaired by Sharon Sommers and Becky Knott with committee members Kate Decker, Janelle Deatsman, and Kallie Knott offered an exceptional opportunity for the Auxiliary members to enjoy the icebreaker Table Talk, a Chinese auction, gift exchange, and an specially delicious meal. Lindsay Sankey, the Keynote Speaker, entertained the sixty plus attendees with a humorous description of life as a farm wife and mother. The very prestigious Vera Sherbahn award was presented to Carol Bloom, an integral long-term member of both the Indiana Angus Auxiliary and the American Angus Auxiliary. Featured speaker, Leslie Mindemann President of the American Angus Auxiliary, presented an enlightening insight into the elements necessary to function as a successful Auxiliary. She shared her experience as a Wisconsin Auxiliary member/officer, Regional Director and American Angus Auxiliary President. Kallie Knott brought many of the participants to tears as she explained her families’ roots to the Shipshewana area dating back to her grandfather and his importance to their family involvement in the Angus industry.

Keith Lambright, owner of the Farmstead Inn, acted as auctioneer for a gift box of wine and food donated by local area businesses. Deana Hofing was the highest bidder and all proceeds will go towards the Spring Luncheon expenses.

Scholarship chairperson Deana Hofing presented a $750.00 check to Katie Brock as recipient the Indiana Angus Auxiliary scholarship. Her application will be submitted to the American Angus Auxiliary for judging in their scholarship program. Hunter Royer was the recipient of the $150.00 Raising the Bar travel expense.

Krista Stilwell, Web, Social Media, & Digital for the Indiana Angus Association, familiarized the members with her duties and services. She explained her role in helping our organization by providing a presence on the web, and the anticipated ability to obtain membership applications online.

The winner of the fund raising raffle, held to provide funds for the Auxiliary Scholarship Program, was Donald Bloom.

The Yearly business meeting was held following the luncheon. Sandy Carmichael, nominating committee chair presented the slate of officers: Kathy Wilson, Secretary; Cortney Hill-Dukehart Cates, Treasurer; Auxiliary Directors, Lindsay Sankey (1 year) and Sandy Carmichael (2 years). Heather Bear completed two years as Secretary and the members expressed their gratitude for her dedication and contributions.

Treasurer Sharon Sommers presented the financial report, which included the general account, scholarship account, and CD’s. The budget for 2018 was submitted and approved. Several fund raising activities were discussed to generate income for our juniors through scholarships and awards.

The members of the organization expressed their gratitude to the Northeastern District for the opportunity to enjoy an outstanding day in the heart of Amish country.

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