During their meeting at the Indiana State Fair, the Indiana Angus Auxiliary met to discuss some changes to their by-laws. Voting on these changes will take place at their meeting on December 9. An additional opportunity to read these by-laws will be provided to you in the September edition of the Indiana Angus News.
ARTICLE 1 – Name
The name of the organization shall be the Indiana Angus Auxiliary to the Indiana Angus Association.
The object of the Auxiliary shall be to have women interested in the welfare of the Angus breed meet together for educational, promotional, social, and other functions appropriate to the organization. It shall be a non-profit organization.
Article III – Members
The membership shall consist of two categories: Annual and Life
Article IV – Officers
The majority voting at the Annual Meeting, which is held in April, shall elect the officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. They shall take office immediately following the conclusion of the meeting. A term is one year, and no officer shall be re-elected for more than two consecutive terms to the same office.
Section 1 – President
Shall preside at all meetings of the organization and executive committee meetings; shall follow the guidelines for the President included in the “Indiana Angus Auxiliary Standing Policy and Guidelines"; shall make all other officers and committee chairperson aware of the “Standing Policy and Guidelines”.
Appoint Standing committees and Special committees as needed.
Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Appoint members to fill vacancies in the elective offices with the approval of the Executive Board.
Shall become a member of the Executive Board and Chairman of the Nominating Committee for one/two years at the expiration of her Presidency. The length of office will run concurrent with the serving President. The immediate Past President of the Auxiliary shall be known as the Advisor.
Section 2 – The Vice President shall be known as the President- Elect
Shall automatically become the next president
Serve in the absence, incapacity, or death of the President.
C. Serve as advisor to the Budget Committee
D.Update the Facebook Page
Section 3 – Secretary
Keep an accurate record of the minutes of the annual, regular, executive, and special meetings. Supply a copy of all meetings for the officers, and distribute a copy of the minutes at the annual and December meeting.
Cooperate with the President in arranging the Order of Business for all meetings of the Auxiliary.
Prepare and present a report at the Annual and regular meetings, receive and file all reports of the officers and committee chairperson for future reference.
Be a member of the Budget Committee.
Section 4 – Treasurer
Maintain accurate and complete financial records for the Indiana Angus Auxiliary and distribute a written report at the annual and December meeting.
Receive, deposit, and distribute money as provided and directed by the provisions of Article IX.
Keep an accurate record of all fundraising generated by the Ways and Means Committee
Have the accounts audited by the Audit Committee at the close of the fiscal year, after paying outstanding bills turn over the records to her successor.
Be a member of the Budget Committee.
ARTICLE V – Meetings
The Annual meeting, aka Spring Luncheon, shall be held in the month of April each year. The location shall be designated by the luncheon committee. Nominations, election of officers and approval of budget shall be held at this meeting.
A regular meeting shall be held in December.
All other meetings to be called by the President or by the members of the Executive Board.
ARTICLE VI – Executive Committee
The Elected Officers and Advisor shall form the Executive Committee.
They shall act on business requiring immediate attention between meetings.
ARTICLE VII – Standing Committees
There shall be the following Standing Committees and, in addition to such other committees as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Auxiliary.
Section 1 – Awards Committee
Shall be appointed by the President. In the event that the chairperson of the awards committee has a son, daughter, relative, or employee applying for an award, an alternative chairperson shall be appointed from the Executive Committee.
Shall consist of four members, each appointed for a term of two years, with two retiring and two new members added each year.
Judge applications for the Silver Tray Award and for the Indiana Angus Auxiliary Scholarships.
Conduct all aspects of the Indiana Angus Auxiliary scholarship contest and submit winning applications to the American Angus Auxiliary scholarship contest.
Shall publicize, receive nominations, and introduce nominees for the Hoosier Excellence Award.
Choose the recipient for the Vera Sherbahn Memorial Award to be given at the Indiana Angus banquet or at an appropriate time if a banquet is not held.
Section 2 – Audit Committee
Audit fiscal financial report of the Treasurer at the close of the fiscal year. The Treasurer is to present receipts and disbursed totals, balance on hand, and bank account balance for approval.
Section 3 - By-Laws/ Guidelines Committee
Review existing By-Laws and Guidelines and recommend changes when necessary.
Prepare and distribute copies of up-to-date By-Laws and Indiana Angus Auxiliary Standing Policy and Guidelines at the Annual Meeting and the December meeting.
Be knowledgeable that motions and procedures comply with By-Laws and Guidelines.
Section 4 – Annual meeting /Spring Luncheon Committee
Select location for luncheon, choose menu, provide favors, table decorations, and manage reservations.
Provide publicity about the luncheon well in advance of the luncheon date
The Spring Luncheon/ Annual meeting shall be on a rotational series as follows:
Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southern, Southwest, West Central
Section 5 – Junior Activities
Provide assistance, guidance, and support for Junior members.
Encourage “aging-out” Junior Angus girls to join the Ladies Auxiliary
Section 6 – Ways and Means Committee
Manage fund raising for the Auxiliary
B. Submit all financial records to the Treasurer
C. Be audited by the Auditing Committee at the close of the fiscal year
D. Chairman shall be a member of the Budget Committee
Section 7 – Budget Committee
Plan and present a budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the members at the Annual meeting of the Auxiliary. The budget shall be approved by the members at the Annual meeting.
The Budget Committee shall consist of the following:
Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee
Chairman of the Scholarship Fund
Member appointed by the President
The Vice-President will be the advisor
Section 8 – Indiana Angus Queen Committee
Chairperson of this committee is to notify all eligible girls in advance of contest.
Secure judges
Be responsible for all aspects of the contest
D. Secure appropriate awards
E. Inform and educate Royalty of expectations in attire and recommended appearances
Section 9 – Historian
The President shall appoint a Historian for the Indiana Angus Auxiliary.
Shall keep an Auxiliary Scrapbook of programs, news clippings, pictures and any important events pertaining to the organization
ARTICLE VIII – Nominations and Elections
Section 1 – Nominating Committee
Shall consist of five members two are elected by the active members at the Annual Meeting and two members appointed by the Executive Committee of the Auxiliary. The Chairperson shall be the Immediate Past President of the Auxiliary.
Shall prepare a ticket of one and not more than two candidates for each office to be filled and secure prior consent of all candidates to have their names appear on the ballot
At the appointed time for the election of the officers, the Chairperson shall read the report of the Nominating Committee to the members. The President shall call for nominations from the floor (per Robert’s Rules of Order).
The election shall be by ballot and a majority of all ballots cast shall be necessary to elect.
If there should be but one candidate for each office, candidates shall be declared elected by a motion from the floor.
Auxiliary Directors: The Nominating Committee, with prior consent of the nominees, will appoint two members to serve as our Auxiliary Directors. One will serve a one-year term and one will serve a two- year term. They will attend the Indiana Angus Association’s Board of Directors meetings and submit a report at the next meeting of the Indiana Angus Auxiliary.
ARTICLE IX – Finance
Section 1 – Funds of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Indiana Angus Association shall be used for necessary operating expenses and constructive work benefiting the Angus cattle industry.
Section 2 – Should the Indiana Angus Auxiliary be terminated for any reason, the balance remaining in the treasury funds shall be turned over to the American Angus Association for educational, promotional, social, and other functions appropriate to the organization.
Section 3 – Scholarship Fund
The Scholarship Fund shall be acquired from the proceeds of any fund raising effort approved by the Executive Board. The scholarship awards will be based on the amount of available funds.
ARTICLE X – Quorum
Section 1 – A Quorum for the annual, regular, and special meetings shall be the majority of the voting members present
Section 2 – A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of the Committee members present
ARTICLE XI – Parliamentary Authority
Roberts’ Rules of Order Revised shall be the guide on all points not contained in these By-Laws
ARTICLE XII – Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided notice of the proposed amendment is published in the Indiana Angus News, or members were notified in writing not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting
ARTICLE XIII – Dues and Fiscal Year
Section 1 - Dues: Yearly dues and Life dues to be determined by the Executive Board.
Section 2 - Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Indiana Angus Auxiliary shall be from April 1 to
March 31.