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Meeting Minutes: Board of Directors Meeting June 15, 2024

Writer's picture: Indiana AngusIndiana Angus

Director’s Meeting

June 15, 2024

Indiana Angus Preview Show

Boone County Fairgrounds

Lebanon IN

Those in attendance: Clint Coverdale President, Joe Horstman President Elect, Carla Dawson Vice President, Melanie Ritz Treasurer, Julie Innis Secretary. Directors, Robert Knott, Les Carmichael, Sandy Carmichael, Loran Wilson, Jerry Ott, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Dr. Phil Howell, Jim Lindley, Jeff Innis, Kevin Newman, Kevin Swaim- Jr. Advisor Deanna Hofing, Jr. Advisor  & Director Hunter Carrico-Regional Rep. Casey Jentz. Other guests-Krista Stillwell, Clive Jensen, Liz Jensen, Andy Clock, Beth Clock, Brandon Waterman, Richard Brooks, Steve Shoup

The meeting was called to order after our fellowship luncheon and everyone was welcomed by Clint Coverdale at 2:17pm Copies of the Secretary’s and Treasurer's reports were passed out.

Secretary’s Report- Julie Innis passed out hard copies of the minutes had been emailed to directors as well. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Melanie Ritz and  2nd by Jerry Ott. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- Melanie Ritz presented her report – see attached. She explained our CD has been rolled over. The money from the past treasurer has been deposited. Liz Jensen made a motion to accept the report as presented. The motion was 2nd by Carla Dawson. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance-no report

Activities & Show- Clint Coverdale announced we had 61 head shown at the Open Show today. He thanked all those who helped get the show ready. There were 66 entries for the Junior show tomorrow. Exhibitor numbers are steady, but it appears people are not bringing multiple heads of cattle to show.

Membership Report- Liz Jensen presented we currently have 186 paid members. 17 of those are new members. $5580.00 in membership fees. Liz has been reaching out to past members via email or phone calls and has plans to offer some incentives next year for joining such as a raffle of items.

History Report- Kevin Swaim shared information regarding our collection at the Putnam Co. Museum. He and Ken Torr went to check on the progress of the renovation. If we could come up with display tables for memorabilia items such as pins, buttons, pictures, they would go ahead and put that out on display. Ken Torr was going to take a table he had made to them. The museum is requesting memorabilia or items people can see. Krista said she would advertise this on our social media pages.

Long Range Planning- no report

Communications Report-Krista Stillwell shared the directories have been mailed out. We were down about 8 pages from last year but have picked up an additional advertiser.  If you have any questions let her know. Melanie Ritz added the billing for directory ads will go out sometime this week.

Annual Meeting Report- no report

Auxiliary Report- Carla Dawson shared new officers have been elected in April and the Auxiliary is focusing on advertising and sharing knowledge regarding scholarships they have available. They are also wanting to be present at a few more events, letting the public know who they are and what causes they are raising money for.

Eastern Regionals Report- Deanna Hofing announced their committee will be doing prospecting and want to put a bid in for the 2027 show.  They are currently looking at 3-4 fairgrounds. Their plan is to visit those facilities after Jr. Nationals. Casey Jentz and Kaitlyn Brandt will tour the facilities and gather more information. Our semen tank raffle has been organized by Joe Horstman and has already started. Joe announced he has tickets for members to sell. 20.00 each 6 for 100.00 we will have the drawing at the end of the State Fair. It will come fully charged compliments of the Horstman family.  These tickets also include a marketing advertisement for membership.

IJAA Report- Deanna Hofing announced the Junior meeting today at 3 pm This meeting will kick off with a scholarship workshop. She also shared they will be changing stall sign logo to correlate with a Western Theme. For the tailgate at Junior Nationals, Indiana will be serving popcorn with a variety of toppings.

National Report- Loran Wilson shared information from the June meeting for the National Board. The new AAA website will launch August 1st. They are hoping it will be more user friendly. He reminded us to register an Angus bull even if it is sold even for commercial purposes. June 24th will be available for ACH. CAB division Kip Palmer will be stepping down, Rob Shoey replacing him. The National AAA Convention is looking to downsize the trade show after this year at Ft. Worth due to rental costs of many of the facilities.

Casey Jentz asked Loran to explain the premium for bulls- small DNA sample will give you a score to give you potential for production. 5.00 per head. 170,000 bulls have been DNA sampled thus far.

Old Business- Semen Tank- Joe shared $820.00 was collected today from tickets sold

New Business- Clint brought up the potential sale of the Junior trailer- Jason Miller approached Clint about selling the jr. trailer. No one was here to present information on this so it was tabled.

Updated Officer duties- Krista, Julie, and Clint updated roles of officers. This will be emailed out to directors.

HBC shared we no longer need two breed representatives; we only need one.  We have added this to the VP role.

Announcements- Melanie Ritz shared the  SIAA field day Oct 12 – at Ritz’s farm.

Motion to adjourned was made by Kevin Newman 2nd  by Jerry Ott the motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Time 2:51 pm

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