The Indiana Angus Auxiliary had a wonderful time at the Ultimate Beef Experience! President Rebecca Knott recaps "We stepped into the meat lab and learned what makes the Certified Angus Beef brand certified, put together our own favorite rub combinations, saw the inner working of the beef brands, and had a great discussion about finding common ground between consumer and producer!"

The Indiana Angus Auxiliary is looking for people to serve on the communications and scholarship committee! Please contact Rebecca Knott if interested
260-740-1764 |
The Indiana Angus Auxiliary is a nonprofit organization that encourages women who are interested in the welfare of the Angus breed to meet together for educational, promotional, social and other functions appropriate to the organization. We offer several scholarships and awards to junior Angus members as well as awards to outstanding Angus families. Our annual meeting is held at the Spring Luncheon in April. We are always looking for ladies to come and enjoy the Hoosier hospitality of the Angus breed.