Board of Directors Meeting
November 14, 2024
Pewter Hall, Brownsburg
Meeting Minutes
The Southern Indiana Angus Association met Thursday, November 14, 2024 at Pewter Hall in Brownstown with 28 in attendance. At 6:50 pm President Jerritt Ross asked Jim Thompson to have the invocation and then called the meeting to order. Following introductions, Melanie Ritz reported on the fall field day held at Ritz Angus on October 12. She estimated 40 -50 people attended throughout the day; there were 6 vendors with displays, American Angus Association literature and state directories were available to pick up. She thanked Kathy Thompson for heading up donations for the silent auction items that netted $1,544.00 for the scholarship fund. Jim Thompson commended and thanked the Ritz’s for their efforts in hosting and encouraged others to volunteer to host.
Kathy Wilson announced that Aiden Keller and Julia Meyer were the recipients of the two $750 scholarships.
Kathy read the minutes from the previous meeting. Jim made the motion to accept the minutes as read, Les Carmichael seconded and the motion passed.
Melanie gave the following treasurer’s report: beginning balance, $7,802.58; receipts, $1,544.00; correction from previous report, minus $280.00; total income, $1,344.00; no expenses; leaving an ending balance of $9,146.58. Matt Robertson made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Michael Isaacs seconded and the motion passed. A complete copy of the treasurer’s report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Jim introduced the guest speaker for the evening, RD Schrader, from Columbia City, who is both an Angus breeder and president of Schrader Real Estate and Auction Co. He gave some background about their operation and the cycle from production cattle to show cattle and back to production cattle. He emphasized their emphasis on balanced cattle and talked about the demand for freezer beef. He is the third generation in their real estate and auction business. Breaking up large amounts of land into smaller tracts has increased the ability for more people to be able to afford to buy. The value of the best land is staying up, but there is currently downward pressure on the rest. The price of used equipment has also been dropping back. Q & A followed.
In old business, Jerritt gave a reminder that dues need to be paid and the $80 dues to be included in the SIAA ad in The Indiana Angus News must be paid by January 1.
In new business, Loran Wilson announced that Hoosier Beef Congress will be December 6 – 8 and the junior show at the North American will be Sunday, November 17 and the open show will be on Monday, November 18.
Jerritt announced that the sale will be April 5 and consignors should get cattle in and ready for pictures.
Melanie gave a report on the American Angus Convention and encouraged everyone to go if possible because it was very educational and fun. There will be changes in the tradeshow format beginning next year when convention will be in Kansas City. She also announced that Rosalind Kidwell, an Indiana junior, was crowned the new Miss American Angus.
Jerritt announced that the next Indiana Angus Association directors meeting is December 14. Kathy added that the juniors and the auxiliary will also meet that day.
The next meeting will be December 12 with guest Dr. Kayla Baird and possibly Dr Rob Jackman.
Melanie made the motion to adjourn, Matt Robertson seconded, the motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Wilson
Treasurer's Report
The next SIAA meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 12, at Pewter Hall in Brownstown. The meal will be served at 6:00 pm and the meeting will begin around 6:50 pm. Guest speakers for the evening will be Dr. Kayla Baird and Dr. Rob Jackman of Jackman Animal Clinic in Milroy.