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March 2021: Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Indiana AngusIndiana Angus

Indiana Angus Association

Director’s Meeting

Sugar Creek Arts Center

Thorntown IN


March 6, 2021

Welcome - Kevin Newman opened the meeting by welcoming all in attendance at 4:09pm. Those in attendance were: Kevin Newman- President, Jeff Sherfield, 1st VP, Glenn Davis 2nd VP, Julie Innis Secretary, Steve Shoup Past President, Directors- Les Carmichael, Sandy Carmichael, Jeff Innis, Chad Haag, Loran Wilson, Rob Knott, Melanie Ritz, Paul Hart,Dr. Bruc Lamb, Kevin Swaim, Steve Patton, Scott Ashwill, Dr. Phil Howell, Cortney Cates Other- Brandon Waterman Jr. Advisor, Kathy Wilson, Becky Knott Aux. Rep. and Krista Stillwell.

Secretary’s Report- Julie Innis presented the report. Steve Shoup made a motion to accept the report as presented. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Bruce Lamb. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- Les Carmichael passed out the report. (see attached) Melanie Ritz moved we accept the report as presented. The motion was 2nd by Steve Shoup. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Old Business

Krista Stillwell passed out a previous proposal for her work on the News and Directory. (see handout) Glenn Davis stated the importance of increasing our mailing list. Krista explained the history behind this and how we were needing to clean up the list with intentions of increasing those who receive our publications. Jeff Sherfield made a motion to accept the proposal as presented. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

New Business

Kevin Newman suggested we give free or discounted advertising to the West Central District for their efforts in sponsoring our fellowship meal at the State Preview show. Scott Ashwill graciously declined the offer.

Rob Knott then announced the entry results from the recently rescheduled Hoosier Beef Congress. There were a total of 706 entries with Angus being represented with 64 heifers and 13 steers.

Krista Stillwell then announced we are currently only offering one size ads for our directory. She asked us to consider offering ½ pg. advertisements. Currently a full-page ad in color costs 290 with a black and white full page ad costing 230. She proposed 155 for a ½ page full color ad and 130 for a black and white ad. She also proposed us adding the option to sell a 2 page spread ad for 550.00. Jeff Sherfield moved we accept the option of the ½ page ads for the directory. The motion was 2nd by Steve Patton. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. A motion was proposed by Rob Knott for the addition of a 2 page spread being offered at the price of 550. This motion was 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Dr. Phill Howell also moved we ad a special lot to our auction scheduled for tonight including a 2 page ad in the center section of the directory as a premium spot. The motion was 2nd by Scott Ashwill. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.


Cortney Cates announce the upcoming Atlantic Nationals will be held in Lebanon TN this year instead of Maryland due to show site in Maryland being used for COVID vaccinations.

Kevin Newman thanked Les and Sandy Carmichael for all their years of service.

Jeff Sherfield made a motion to adjourn this was 2nd by Kevin Newman. The meeting was closed at 4:45pm

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