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Indiana Angus Director’s Meeting December 2024

Indiana Angus Director’s Meeting

Boone County Fair Grounds

Lebanon IN

December 14, 2024

11:00 am

Meeting Minutes

Welcome-Clint Coverdale opened our meeting at 11:03am by welcoming all those in attendance and reminded everyone to sign in.

Those in attendance were Officers-Clint Coverdale- President, Joe Horstman-President Elect, Carla Dawson-Vice President, Melanie Ritz-Treasurer, Julie Innis Secretary, Directors- Jerry Ott, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Kevin Swaim, Kevin Newman, Jerritt Ross, Jim Lindley, Sandy Carmichael, Les Carmicheal. Loran Wilson, Brandon Waterman, Dr. Phil Howell, Auxiliary Rep- Kathy Wilson, Junior Advisor Deanna Hofing. Other-Liz Jensen, Krista Stillwell, Marlene Dukehart, Siro Derrer-Brooks, Cortney Cates, Richard Brooks, Maryann Waterman.

Secretary’s Report-Clint reminded everyone the minutes from the June meeting have been emailed it out two different times. Melanie Ritz made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was 2nd by Jerry Ott. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report-Melanie Ritz shared the report with members. (see attached)-The report was accepted as presented. Melanie shared she had received a card thank you card from Chase Harker.

Budget & Finance Report-(see attached report) Kevin Swaim thanked Melanie Ritz for her work as Treasurer. He explained our income came out better than we anticipated. Our semen tank raffle brought in $4250.00 and preview revenue was up.  He also announced Directory ad income was up as well. Membership was up also.  He then explained expenses were higher than anticipated but because income was higher, we came out positive $3183.00 presently. Dr. Lamb made motion to approve as presented. Jeff Innis 2nd the motion. The motion was voted and approved unanimously.

Activities and Show Report-Carla Dawson shared our Beef Congress report. We had 76 heifers checked in. Our steer show had 20 which was up. Kevin Swaim shared the State Fair Open Show date would be July 31, 2025. This is the Thursday before the 4 H show.  Clint reported for our Preview Show. It will be held again on Father’s Day weekend in 2025. He may look at raising entry fees to $75.00 per head due to increased costs for the bedding and fairgrounds rental. There was a question about reimbursement on our Treasurer’s report from an entry at our Preview Show. It was explained that this was a double entry ($150.00), so money was returned to the person making the mistake.

Membership Report- Liz Jensen reported memberships are up. Liz emailed current Indiana members who were not AAA members. She plans to do that again this year. She explained she would like to request a duplicate membership list for $100.00 from AAA so she has a master list of national members. The other list would be released directly to our printer. In prior years, our list was released to the printer, and we did not know who was on the list. She also shared that she has received 7 memberships since September 1st of this year and 5 of those are new members to IAA. Liz proposed some sort of membership incentive to join possibly a raffle. Krista suggested us researching the possibility of combining membership opportunities in our mailing for juniors, auxiliary and adults to pay in one payment and we disperse the money. Kevin Swaim made a motion to pay $100.00 for an extra set of labels to be released to Liz Jensen. Dr. Howell 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

History Report- Kevin Swaim shared there is a new curator at the museum. They are still in the process of raising money to renovate additional space in their museum. He thinks we will have at least 2 historical awards this year at our annual dinner.

Annual Dinner Report- Clint Coverdale announced our annual meeting will be March 8, 2025.

Rosalind Kidwell, 2025 American Angus Queen thanked us for our support. She spoke briefly, sharing that she intends to represent Indiana well. Krista Stillwell announced Rosalind will have a column in the upcoming Indiana Angus News.

National Angus Board Report- No report

Auxiliary Report- Carla Dawson announced the Annual Luncheon will be in April with the  North East Association hosting.

Junior Report-Deanna Hofing announce the Juniors completed meeting earlier this morning. They are going to work on strategies to increase attendance at meetings. Officers were elected- Delaney Waterman-President, Bryce Hofing- Vice President, Treasurer- Allie Howell. Rosalind Kidwell as Secretary. The Juniors voted on judges and will reach out to see if their choices  will accept their offer.  They also voted to increase their dues from  $10.00 to $20.00 annually.

Communications Report- Krista Stillwell had advertising contracts ready to be sent out. Rosalind’s column will be new to the News this year. If we want anything new added to the News, please let her know. She also suggested we not post membership contact information but will leadership contact information still be posted. It was discussed and agreed upon that membership lists via a spreadsheet on our website will no longer be published.

Old Business- Deanna Hofing reported on an Eastern Regionals update. She reminded us that their last meeting was this summer.  Representatives from NJAA came to look at multiple facilities in Indiana to see if they were conducive to hosting the Eastern Regionals in 2027. The number 1 pick for fairgrounds was: Tippecanoe County, 2nd was Elkhart County Fairgrounds, and 3rd was the Boone County Fairgrounds. She shared that we are now in the process of trying to get a discounted price quoted to us from the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds. We will host Eastern Regionals in 2027-June 24-27th 2027. She announced the date for the NJAA show has been moved back to allow us to have this date for Eastern Regionals. We are developing committees and need volunteers for multiple committees moving forward. We will not host a separate Preview show in 2027 but will come up for a system to place for Indiana cattle during this show. Joe Horstman announced we need to fundraise $50,000.00 to host this show. He shared we are not expected to provide every meal if we choose not to. Deanna Hofing shared there has been a tradition of feeding families and this show has traditionally been more of a family event. There are expectations of hospitality. We are expecting 400 head possibly since we are centrally located.

Clint Coverdale shared he received a thank you card from Jacob Wickard for his Indiana Angus Scholarship.

New Business- Jerry Ott asked if anyone had an update regarding Bob Dragani, who was in an auto accident earlier this fall.  No one had but Dr. Lamb shared he would check for us.

Loran Wilson thanked the Directors and Association for their support while serving on the AAA board.  He shared he thoroughly enjoyed his time on the board and considered it a blessing to represent Indiana.

Dr. Bruce Lamb announced he has received information Sharon Sommers regarding the Transparency Act. A bank sent us a document about national Transparency Act. After some research, and consulting with legal counsel, we have learned nonprofits do not need to apply.

Carla Dawson shared IBCA does not like yearly turnover in breed representatives for the HBC. She agreed it would be better if we had 1-2 dedicated people to represent us for a longer period than one year. She suggested for a breed of our size suggested we not change that person each year. Clint Coverdale explained this was a decision of the President to appoint the VP. He asked if she was willing to continue as our breed representative and she agreed. He suggested she bring another person in to help her. Kevin Newman suggested we print the Angus show entries and what class they were in instead of accessing this information on our phones. After discussion it was decided that due to how HBC has entries registered it would be hard for us to print a show program.

Brandon Waterman announced the “Junior” trailer needs to be moved off his property. The adult association owns the trailer, but the contents belong to the Juniors. He said most of the equipment has been sold and there really isn’t a lot inside of the trailer right now. He stated that currently there is no insurance on the trailer. The was much discussion regarding the trailer.  It was suggested we sell the trailer. Clint Coverdale asked for volunteers to park it at their house temporarily. Jerry Ott suggested we put this in a consignment sale. Loran Wilson suggested the Junior  advisors keep it and use it for storage. Deanna Hofing suggested we sell it. Cortney Cates volunteered to store it at her farm. Joe Horstman volunteered to store the items from inside at his storage facility instead of keeping the trailer. Les explained he had the registration for the trailer when he was Treasurer.  Dr. Howell made a motion to register & plate the trailer. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Lamb. The motion was voted on and passed. Joe Horstman explained details regarding insurance. It was confirmed our insurance is with Farm Bureau. Joe Horstman made a motion to sell the trailer. Les Carmichael 2nd the motion Then there was discussion on how to sell it. It was suggested we offer the trailer to membership 1st after an appraisal from Main Trailer Sales. Clint restated the motion to include, it has been moved to sell offer the trailer for sale to membership 1st but not less than what it appraises for. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.  It was noted that if we are not able to sell this to membership for appraised value, we will discuss options of offering it to the public.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jeff Innis. Dr. Phil Howell 2nd the motion. It was voted to adjourn the meeting at 12:12pm

The meeting was reopened at 12:13pm

Joe Horstman represented the nomination committee. He presented the slate of officers as follows.

Joe Horstman, President. Carla Dawson President Elect, Deanna Hofing Vice President, Julie Innis Secretary Melanie Ritz Treasurer. Les Carmichael made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presents.  Liz Jensen 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.  

Joe Horstman asked if there was any further business to discuss. No one stated they had further business to discuss. The election of officers was closed at 12:14 pm




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