February 4, 2023
Stookey’s Thorntown IN
3:00 pm
Those in attendance: Officers, Steve Patton President, Clint Coverdale President-Elect, Julie Innis Secretary, Melanie Ritz Treasurer/Director, Jeff Sherfield, Past President. Directors Jim Lindley, Randy Bush, Hunter Carrico/Jr. Advisor, Auxiliary Rep. Courtney Cates, Marlene Dukehart, Sandy Carmichael, Les Carmichael, Phil Howell, Jerry Ott, Kevin Swaim, Paul Hart, Bob Dragani, Jeff Innis. Loran Wilson, Rex Kovert. Deanna Hofing Jr. Advisor. Others Burke Tuggle Jr. Representative, Kim Tuggle, Pam Ott, Krista Stillwell, Gena Kay Hart
Call to order-3:12 Steve Patton welcomed and thanked all those in attendance.
Secretary’s Report- The report was passed out as well as emailed to members. Dr. Howell moved us to accept the report with corrections of a typo. The motion was 2nd by Melanie Ritz. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report- Melanie Ritz shared has not received anything from Bob Dragani as of yet but was planning on getting everything she needed at the end of this meeting. She has accounts ready to switch over when she returns home. There was no financial report to present.
Budget and Finance Report- Kevin Swaim announced there was no update.
Activities and Show Report-Steve Patton shared Clinton Coverdale has been added to the committee. Clint reported the grant was obtained from Boone Co. Convention and Visitors Bureau. He was not sure of the amount currently. Clint also shared he will be reaching out to exhibitors for judge suggestions. He was also reaching out for ideas to give us more time on show day to allow for fellowship. Right now, they are thinking about moving showmanship for Juniors back to Sunday. He stated this will be discussed with exhibitors. The 2023 show is set for Father’s Day weekend.
Membership Report- Julie Innis reported - April 10th is the deadline to pay dues to be included in the directory. She encouraged directors to solicit memberships from their district’s members at their meetings.
History Committee Report- Kevin Swaim announce there would be 3 awards given out tonight. 2- 75-year awards and 1- 50 year awards.
Long Range Planning Report- no report
Communications Report- Krista Stillwell shared information on the News. Our 1st edition is ready for print. The next deadline for the next edition is March 3rd. She suggested sending out our publication to more people to increase our exposure to advertisers and inform them more about what we are doing. Les Carmichael asked what the cost was to send out a publication. Krista explained it varies between 4-6 dollars an issue to print. The cost depends on pg. count. We average 28-40 pgs. Per publication. The publication with the most pages is always the Aug. issue. The publication with the smallest number of pages is the Jan-Feb. or May issue. She thinks we can procure additional lists for various organizations, but many have said they want payment for the release of these lists. Sandy asked what people get for their membership. Krista explained we would hear this later in our meeting.
Annual Meeting Report- Steve Patton announced we have had a great lineup for the semen auction tonight. As per our last meeting, we voted to hold our annual meeting at Stookey’s. We had 130 RSVPs as of yesterday.
National Board Report- Loran Wilson, National AAA Board Member announced he has participated in several Zoom meetings this week. He will be in Missouri later this week attending a meeting. He stated the rule on the white rule has been misinterpreted by many. A committee was asked to review this rule. It was determined the current rule was working and no action will be taken to change anything. He also announced this is the 150th year of registered Angus Cattle. They are celebrating this throughout the year. He explained that the Angus Foundation has several funds that are restricted funds. This means there are restrictions on how they can be used. The restricted fund from the Foundation is used for youth scholarships, research, and promotion. This year they are encouraging breeders to give 150 dollars in response to 150-year but those funds are placed in an unrestricted fund. He also shared the AAA website is being renovated. Their intent is to make it more user-friendly and for members to be able to reach more information from the AAA, Auxiliary, and Juniors at one site. Please feel free to reach out to Loran if you have any questions or concerns at any time.
Auxiliary Report- Courtney Cates shared Becky Knott hosted a meet-and-mingle in Carmel the previous weekend and had a nice turnout. At this time, she thinks one scholarship has been turned in to the Auxiliary.
By-Laws Committee Report- no report
Jr. Angus Report- Deanna Hofing shared they had planned a meeting at 4 pm today. She also shared the officers are trying to take a strong leadership role. Jordyn Wickard is currently the President. Judges for Preview Show will be voted on and announced at their meeting. She also shared they have lots of ideas for building relationships and activities together. She did announce the new advisor team: Jason & Kelly Miller, Hunter Carrico, Josh & Deanna Hofing
Old Business- Jerry Ott asked for clarification on a rule for Preview. The rules state you have to be a National Jr. Member to show at the Preview Show- this is currently published as rule # 17. Discussion took place. It was suggested the show chairman and his committee review this. It was also suggested we check with other states and see if this is a common rule. Loran stated if we are going to enforce rules since we may have not in the past, we need to advertise rules with plenty of notification. Jim Lindley stated he felt we need to force encourage all Junior to be State and National members. Krista suggested we could advertise a collection of 30.00 for total dues with $10.00 going toward Indiana dues and $20.00 going toward National membership dues. Discussion took place about the possibilities of this option.
New Business-none
Announcements- Steve Patton asked about ideas of having our next meeting possibly in early April. A date has not been determined at this time. He also announced our annual banquet was to follow.
Dr. Howell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was 2nd by Sandy Carmichael the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.