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Indiana Angus Association Director’s Meeting

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Indiana Angus Association

Director’s Meeting

Boone County Fairgrounds

June 18, 2022

After Open Preview Show

Welcome – Jeff Sherfield called the meeting to order at 12:57pm welcoming all those in attendance and thanking everyone who helped with the show. Members present: Jeff Sherfield President, Clint Coverdale 2nd VP, Bob Dragani Treasurer, Kathy Wilson substituting for Secretary Julie Innis, Past President Kevin Newman. Directors- Steve Patton, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Rob Knott, Dr. Phil Howell, Loran Wilson, Dr. Randy Bush, Scott Ashwill, Hunter Carrico, Jerry Ott, Les Carmichael, Sandy Carmichael. Auxiliary rep- Karsyn Zenor. Jr Advisors- Brandon Waterman, Mary Ann Waterman. Others- Steve Shoup.

Secretary’s Report – The secretary’s report was emailed by Julie Innis. Kevin Newman moved to approve the minutes as emailed, Dr. Lamb seconded. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – see handouts. There were separate handouts for Adult Assoc. Preview and the Junior Association. Hunter Carrico moved to approve the financial reports as presented, the motion was seconded by Dr. Bush. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Activities and Show Report – Rob Knott reported there were 79 head at the Preview show, which is down from the previous year for a variety of reasons. Rob announced that this would be his last year chairing the show and he is announcing now in order to allow time to find a replacement in time to start planning next year’s show.

Long Range Planning Report – Rob Knott stated that the committee will be meeting prior to the next director’s meeting.

Communications Report – Dr. Howell announced that the directories have been received in the mail by many and there are extras available this weekend.

Annual Meeting Report– Kevin Newman said that the committee is taking input and a similar format to this year is being considered for next year.

Auxiliary Report – Karsyn Zenor reported the Auxiliary provided doughnuts before the show and had a successful fundraising auction during the show. The Auxiliary is supporting Indiana’s Deanna Hofing who is the current president of the American Angus Auxiliary. The Southwest Assoc. hosted the Spring Luncheon with Sandy Carmichael as the chair and the West Central Assoc. will be hosting the 2023 luncheon. Juniors are being encouraged to apply for the many scholarships available.

Bylaws Committee Report – The proposed bylaw changes had been emailed by Julie Innis. Bob Dragani reviewed the proposed changes and stated that there are no significant changes, just lots of clarifications, and they are very generic with no policies or procedures included. He also stated that Dave Retherford reviewed and approved the suggested changes. Dr. Lamb moved to approve the Bylaw changes as presented, Dr. Bush seconded. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Rob Knott suggested they be reviewed annually and Bob suggested a committee be formed to work on policy and procedures. The legal entities of the Association need to be clarified.

IJAA Report – Brandon Waterman reported that the National Junior show is coming up in Kansas City in a couple of weeks. He continues to have concerns about the insurance on the junior trailer and it will not be going to the show. Some of the equipment in the trailer is for sale.

New Business – Dr. Lamb reported for the nominating committee regarding the vacant President Elect position. The committee made the motion to nominate Steve Patton as President Elect. Rob Knott seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Dr. Bush made the motion to elect the nominee and Dr. Howell seconded. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Jeff Sherfield announced that the Indiana Angus Assoc. has been scheduled to work the IBCA Ribeye tent at the Indiana State Fair during the evening shift on August 6 and needs to know if the Association wants to do that. Loran Wilson made the motion that the IAA work that shift. Jerry Ott seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Jeff said that Steve Patton will organize the workers and anyone willing to work should contact him. This year’s menu will include ribeyes, brisket and brats but no hamburgers.

Steve Shoup reported on the quote he received from Farm Bureau Insurance for the junior trailer. Following lengthy discussion Steve Patton made the motion to pay the full insurance premium as is for trailer replacement. Rob Knott seconded. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. More work needs to be done to include all the Association entities (IAA, IJAA and IAAux) on the policy for accident and liability. Accurate membership numbers need to be obtained to turn in to the insurance company as no one knows the origin of the current numbers.

Scott Ashwill made the motion to adjourn at 1:55 pm. Dr. Howell seconded. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

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