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Writer's pictureIndiana Angus

IAA Executive Board Meeting Minutes: June 19, 2021

Boone County Fair Grounds

Indiana Preview Show

Saturday June 20, 2021

Meeting TBD after Fellowship Dinner

Present- Kevin Newman- President, Jeff Sherfield 1st VP, Glen Davis 2nd VP, Julie Innis Secretary, Bob Dragani Treasurer, Steve Shoup Past President, - Directors- Kevin Swaim, Scott Ashwill, Loren Wilson, Rob Knott,Chad Haag, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Dr. Phil Howell, Courtney Cates, Randy Bush, Loran Wilson, Jr. Advisors- Brandon Waterman, MaryAnn Waterman, other- Marlene Dukehart, Krista Stillwell, Casey Jentz,Jerry Ott, Kathy Wilson, Tom Burke

Welcome- At 2:15 pm Kevin Newman welcomed everyone in attendance as well as thanked the West Central Association for hosting our Fellowship Dinner.

Secretary’s Report- The secretary’s report was presented by Julie Innis. Dr. Howell made a motion to accept. It was 2nd by Steve Shoup. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer Report- Bob Dragani announced he does not have a formal report ready at this time but has found no issues with financing and bookkeeping thus far. He hopes to have one for us by our next meeting which is tentatively set for us to meet at the Indiana State Fair. Bob has met with multiple directors and those persons soliciting funds for different accounts.

Budget & Finance Report-Kevin Swaim- no formal report,

Activities & Show Report-Rob Knott reported we had 85 head today at Open Show. He was expecting 95-98 tomorrow in attendance for the Junior Show. He procured a donation of $3550.00 from the Boone County Development Fund and thanked Courtney Cates for soliciting multiple donations this year.

Membership Report- Julie Innis reported we have 189 paid members/farms currently. She added because of recent solicitations in News. We have gotten 5-6 new members/farms.

Auxiliary Report – Marlene Dukehart thanked everyone for supporting Aux. auction today. She announced that the Aux. would like to sponsor a Pee Wee showmanship class at future Preview Shows.

Junior Association Report- Brandon Waterman Our Juniors voted to host the 2023 National Junior Angus Show in Indianapolis. Casey Jentz spoke to those in attendance and explained how this would work there have been many changes with the American Angus Association/NJAA & Foundation regarding fundraising. Casey stated the Cates, Sankeys and Knotts will be involved with committees. Fundraising for the show is capped at 100,000.00. We may get monies from the endowment . Ads in the are under our discretion in the program or responsibility to sell. Anything over this goes to the foundations. Fundraising doesn’t even have to happen if you don’t want to. The meals are covered by the association and the host state. There was a question about monies donated by Indiana in which we thought we would get monies back. Casey indicated he would check on this.

History Report-no report

Long Range Planning-no report

Communications Report-Dr. Phil Howell- Krista Stillwell- 3 editions this far and directory has been published. Thanked the printer and designer at the printers. Asked for feedback. Heard positive feedback. next deadline is July 26th this includes many sale ads. If you require design of your ads, she needs them 2 weeks ahead of the window. Sept. 15th deadline for last edition of the year.

Annual Meeting-Kevin Newman is investigating a couple places to hold our annual meeting next year and will report back to us.

Old Business- none

New Business- Kevin Newman announced we need a replacement for breed manager for Beef Congress. He announced Rob Knott and Cody Sankey want off the Beef Congress committee. Cody will help with the Sale and train the new person, but he would like to find a replacement. Kevin asked for volunteers possibly the Junior Advisors take this over. Courtney suggested that we ask members to volunteer beyond just Directors. Krista Stillwell said she will put on the website and eblast asking for volunteers.

State Fair Ribeye tent- Jeff Sherfield presented representing the IBCA and Indiana Angus. is needing volunteers. He announced dates available and the need for a lead contact person to organize our group. He had 4 boxes of directories in his truck. IBCA sale is up for debate right now, there may not be a breed sale at Beef Congress.

Announcements – Casey Jentz announced the name of the new president of AGI- Kelly Retal. He explained updates to genomics. Kevin Newman welcomed Tom Burke. Courtney announced donations for the show were up this year. Thanked all who donated. We also got monies from Boone County Development. Kevin Newman announced Cody Sankey would like to see our date of preview moved up a week. Reasoning was 30 head down.

Adjournment-Steve Shoup made a motion to adjourn. Brandon Waterman 2nd the motion and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 3:02 pm

Addendum to meeting minutes from Secretary Julie Innis:

I did go back in files and found a letter from Milford Jenkins (2018)explaining the process of soliciting funds for the NJAS Endowment Fund.

In the 2nd paragraph of this letter states" on behalf of the National Junior Angus Association and Angus Foundation, I want to thank the Indiana Angus Association Board of Directors in advance for their serious consideration of the appeal for funds to the National Junior Angus Show ( NJAS) Endowment Fund. Available investment earnings for the NJA form this Fund will be determined annually by the Angus Foundation's Spending Policy currently at 5% to be donated to the host state(s) toward their requirement of raising $100.000 ( min.) in the new NJAS funding contract.

Upon the NJAS Endowment Fund reaching $2,000,000 and the $100,000 being satisfied to the host state(s), investment earnings above $100,000 would be retained to offset expenses incurred by the American Angus Association in funding its requirements set forth in the new NJAS funding contract."

I also found in minutes from our May 6, meeting 2018- under new business Loran Wilson presented formally to the board -" Loran Wilson shared that approx. 2 months ago, he got a call from Allen Miller, Illinois. Illinois is a Co-host state with Wisconsin this year for the NJAA show. Several states that have collected money for hosting jr. national and have left over money. The foundation wants us to pool the money collected and left over into a fund with the foundation. The interest left over from this fund will be given to host states. Currently the National Assoc. picks up the basic expenses. The foundation hopes are for each state to be given monies off this fund for additional show costs. The amount of monies states would need to raise to produce a show would lower considerably. Thus, the states won't have to solicit as much. These monies to start the fund would be left over monies from several states. NJAA is wanting to cut back on extras like meals or hospitality. An email from the foundation was printed as well as a memorandum from 2011 for a donation to the foundation from our association and passed out. see handout 50,000 contributed in 2011 to the Foundation is now 86,700.89 21,478.38 is left from our 2014 show. The Foundation needs to know by June 1st if we still will be contributing to this new fund. They will have a special presentation at closing ceremonies in Wisconsin. Cody stated the foundation wants to know if we would move our 86,700.89 to a different account within the Foundation to help fund future National Jr. Shows. Dr. Howell proposed we donate $50,000 then retain the rest for us. Dr. Lamb made a motion to donate 50,000 to the NJAS Endowment Fund. Dr. Howell 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed. Cody asked if Loran could find out if the other 36,000 belongs to us to give or if this was retained by the Foundation. Les Carmichael made a motion that if we can, give the entire amount of interest to the Foundation Endowment, we donate it. Steve Patton 2nd the motion. Motion was voted on. The motion passed. "

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