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Board of Director's Meeting & Annual Elections: Saturday, December 10, 2022

Indiana Angus Association

Director’s Meeting

Hawk’s Tail Golf Course Greenfield, IN

Dec. 10th 11:00 am

Welcome- Jeff Sherfield called to order at 11:10 am. He asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of Angus members lost this year. Those in attendance: Jeff Sherfield President, Clint Coverdale 2nd VP, Julie Innis Secretary, Bob Dragani Treasurer, Kevin Newman Past President. Directors: Rex Kovert, Jeff Innis, Melanie Ritz, Rob Knott, Dr. Phil Howell, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Jerry Ott, Steve Patton, Aux. Rep. Cortney Cates, Rebecca Knott. Others-Chris Wickard, Casey Jentz, Krista Stillwell, Kathy Wilson, Casey Ritz

Secretary’s Report- Julie Innis reported she has emailed the report two times to directors as well as passed out hard copies. Kevin Newman made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was 2nd by Jeff Innis- The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report- Bob Dragani presented the Treasurer’s Report- see handout- He reviewed Revenue – Expenses – Other Expenses -Preview Show & the Jr. Report. Dr. Phil Howell made a motion to accept the report. The motion was 2nd by Jerry Ott. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Budget Report- Kevin Swaim passed out a budget report. see handout-He reviewed each section.

Activities and Shows Report- Clint Cloverdale announced we had 90 heifers and 19 steers at the HBC show in December. Kevin Swaim announced our state fair champions passed their blood tests.

Membership Report- Kevin Newman announced Diane Hazelett wishes to stay on as chairman of this committee but was unable to attend to do health reasons. We had 218 members from last year.

History Report- Kevin Swaim announced we are paid up with rental to Putnam Co. Museum. He has been told by the museum they are hoping to expand in the next 24 months and will have a space for a permanent display for the Indiana Angus memorabilia. He estimated we may have 4 historic herds to be recognized at the banquet this year.

Long Range Planning- no report

Annual Meeting Committee Report Jeff Sherfield announced we currently had 2 options regarding the banquet. Steve Patton reported on the option of hold our event at Stookey’s in Thorntown. There are 4 menu choices at this time. Pricing- ribeye, 28.99 catfish 20.99 pork chop 19.99 grilled chicken 16.50. Dinners come with salad and sides and a nonalcoholic drink. There would also be an option for a kid’s menu. Dates available could be Feb. 4th or Feb 11th. Stookey’s would want a deposit or hold for the 11th date. Kevin Newman announced an option of an event at Hawk’s Tail Golf Course. $35.00 per filet dinner plus a kid’s menu. Date available is Feb. 4th A paper ballot vote was taken. Stookey’s Feb. 4th was the winner 6:00 pm

National Angus Board Member Report-Loran Wilson was unable to attend so Kathy Wilson reported for him. She stated there currently is a lot of miss information about white markings on animals. Some bulls have been throwing some white. These bulls have been DNA tested. The AGI board will be meeting to discuss this situation soon and most likely will be asking people to do more reporting so they can do more tracing.

Casey Jentz reported upcoming events- Cattleman’s Congress and Denver. The herdsman contest has been switched up and has a nominating committee. Courtney and Tyler Cates are up for nomination. You can go online to vote for herdsman of the year. Votes are due by the 15th of Dec. The link is on the IN Angus blog.

Auxiliary Report- Cortney Cates reported that Deanna Hofing was honored as the outgoing National Aux. President at the President’s breakfast we gave a Christmas ornaments made here in Batesville IN as hostess gifts. Rebecca Knott reported a CAB regional event was held in Oct. at the CAB headquarters and was very well attended. Cortney Cates reported we have three girls go out for Indiana Angus Royalty this year. Queen- Rosalind Kidwell, Jr Princesses Hadley Korniak and Zayda Hofing.

Krista Stillwell reported she has worked hard to make improvement to the quality of the Directory and News. She is on the hunt for new advertisers. If you should have any connections, please have then contact Krista. Jeff Sherfield thanked Krista for taking care of this for us and all she does.

Jr. Report- no report

Old Business

Preview Show Chair- Jeff Sherfield reported we are still in need of a Preview Show Chairman. Rob Knott has retired. We need to find a chairman soon. Please express your interest. This has been advertised on our website, blog and email and will be advertised again.

New Business

Preview Show Grant Application. Rob Knott shared that Jeri Day is contact person of the Boone Co. Visitor’s Center. In the past the grant has been due in April but the deadline has been moved up to the end of Jan. this year. The application is applied for online. Rob has presented a report to their fair board, but we still need to apply for the grant. Rob also stated the BOAH application that must be filled out to let them know we are having a show and who our veterinarian is overseeing our show. Jack Jones is contact for the facilities of the fair grounds.

Jerry Ott had questions about dues for juniors- amount and due date, how to pay. Bylaws were checked by Julie Innis. Krista Stillwell explained most dues are collected at HBC. Dues are 10.00 per Junior and due Dec. 1- Nov. 30. Krista stated you can always pay online any time of year. Mr.Ott also stated he had not been contacted regarding director’s meetings.

Election of Officers- Jeff Sherfield explained there was not a nominating committee this year so the floor would be opened for nominations for the following offices.

President-Jeff Sherfield nominated Steve Patton for President- Sherfield opened the floor for nominations. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion was made to close the floor for nominations by Melanie Ritz and 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Melanie Ritz and 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell to accept the nomination of Steve Patton for President. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

After this vote Steve Patton took over election process.

President Elect-Steve Patton nominated Clint Coverdale for President Elect. Patton opened the floor for nominations. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion was made to close the floor for nominations by Dr. Phil Howell and 2nd by Dr. Bruce Lamb. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Dr. Phil Howell and 2nd by Dr. Bruce Lamb to accept the nomination for Clint Coverdale as President Elect. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Vice President-Steve Patton nominated Joe Horstman for Vice President. Kevin explained Joe had written a letter expressing interest in this position and was unable to attend today due to preparations for his sale. Steve Patton opened the floor for nominations. There were none. Kevin Newman made a motion to close the floor for nominations. Jeff Innis 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Kevin Newman made a motion we accept the nomination for Joe Horstman as Vice President. The motion was 2nd by Jeff Innis. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Secretary- Steve Patton nominated Julie Innis. He also opened the floor for nominations. There were none. A motion was made by Dr. Phil Howell to close the floor and 2nd by Kevin Swaim. The floor was closed. A motion was made by Dr. Phil Howell for Julie Innis as Secretary and 2nd by Kevin Swaim. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer-Steve Patton nominated Bob Dragani for Treasurer. The floor was opened for nominations. Jeff Innis nominated Melanie Ritz for Treasurer. Kevin Newman 2nd the nomination. Bob Dragani withdrew his name from nomination. Jeff Innis moved to close the floor for nominations. Kevin Newman 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 12:09 by Kevin Newman and 2nd by Rex Kovert. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Steve Patton announced how much this organization means to him and his personal history regarding his involvement in the Indiana Angus Association. He is looking forward to adding more members as he wants to concentrate on building membership. Goals for him this year are membership as well as putting some policies and procedures in place.

Jerry Ott announced their county fair has been moved up because our state fair was moved. It now conflicts with preview.

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