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Board Meeting Minutes: IAA Board of Directors 12.9.23

Writer's picture: Indiana AngusIndiana Angus

Lamb Farms Event Center

4338 North 500 East

Lebanon, IN

December 9, 2023

This meeting was moved to Lamb’s Event Center due to scheduling conflict at Boone Co. Fairgrounds.

Present- Clint Coverdale, Pres. Elect. Joe Horstman, Vice President. Melanie Ritz, Treasurer. Julie Innis Treasurer. Jeff Sherfield, Past President. Directors- Cortney Hill Dukehart Cates , Jeff Innis, Jim Lindley, Leslie Carmichael, Sandy Carmichael, Rex Kovert, Kevin Newman, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Jerry Ott, Dr. Phil Howell, Kevin Swaim, Randy Bush, Loran Wilson, Other- Julia Wickard, Chris Wickard, Krista Stillwell, Marlene Dukehart, Bob Hill, Josh Hofing, Deanna Hofing, Kim Tuggle, Burke Tuggle, Kathy Wilson, Bob Dragani

Clint Coverdale President Elect was acting as President due to absence of President Steve Patton

welcomed everyone at 12:19 pm He thanked those involved in arranging this meeting at the last minute.

Secretary’s Report- Julie Innis shared this with all directors via email two times as well as a hard copy at the meeting. Kevin Newman made a motion to accept the report as presented. Jerry Ott 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- Melanie Ritz presented- see attached. She clarified our CD with Old National Bank is making minimal interest rate. She would like to reinvest at a better rate. Jeff Sherfield made a motion to allow this transaction. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Bruce Lamb. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Dr. Bruce Lamb made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Jerry Ott 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report- No report

Activities and Show Report- Clint Coverdale announce the Hoosier Beef Congress had 14 steers- 70 heifers representing the Angus breed. He is working on the Preview Show with a date of June 15 & 16th at the Boone County Fair grounds.

Membership Report- Jeff Sherfield read a bio about Liz Jensen. Liz asked him to announce membership dues were collected on 16 new members. Currently we have 191 total memberships, and this includes the 16 new members.

History Report- Kevin Swaim shared he had no report. Dr. Bruce Lamb shared a historical document in the form of a map showing Angus Breeders listed throughout the state from the 1970’s. There were 288 breeders identified on this map.

Don Lamb spoke to our group. He graciously agreed to let us use his facility due to the last-minute issues with the Boone County Fairgrounds. He shared ISDA meat and poultry intermediary loan program. Which involves money from USDA, to expand facilities. RFSI resilient foods systems infrastructure. Anything from the farm to the plate, this is a grant program to support producers.

Annual Dinner Report- No report. Feb. 17th is a proposed date, based on availability of facilities. We are looking at Stookey’s again this year. We will need help getting donations for the semen auction.

National Angus Board Report- Loran Wilson shared information regarding grading meat. He recently was in Wooster OH at the CAB headquarters. He stated the board is looking at the Ranch to Table if it qualifies for CAB how can it be graded not just Federal Inspection. The CAB are looking at possible camera grading. He shared it is supposedly more accurate than a human grading. A human grader can be more subjective vs. objective. Equipment costs are not very expensive. Right now, the equipment is 3500.00. If your beef meets these qualifications, you could put your farm or brand name behind it. There is extensive training in using the equipment. It is in the investigation stage right now. He also announced Cattlemen’s Congress in Kansas in early Jan. He thanked Indiana for all 5/6 delegates attending the convention in Orlando. He is serving on the Activities Committee and Foundation Board.

Auxiliary Report- Cortney Hill Dukehardt Cates announced Junior Princesses Hadley Korniak, Victoria Koors, Gracie Harris, Emma Miller & Piper Cates. Princess Zayda Hofing. Queen Allie Howell. The auxiliary voted to donate money to support Jr. fellowship activity in the amount of $600.00

Jr. Report- Deanna Hofing announced new Junior Officers Roslyn Kidwell President, Vice President Delaney Waterman Secretary Bryce Hofing, Treasurer Jacob Wickard. She shared that they are planning a fellowship activity at Top Golf. She also shared Indiana has not hosted a Jr. National for a while. She shared and we discussed the possibility of us hosting the Eastern Regional. This year is in Pennsylvania, then Louisiana and possibly in Indiana 2026.

Old Business- Kevin Swaim announced he attended the ISF breed managers meeting. 4- H Heifers will show Aug 3rd. Steers Aug. 4 th Open Show will be Aug7th. ISF will allow 4- H cattle to stay in the barns until the Open Show. Judges were announced as options right now. Open show Cody Lauderman 1st choice. 2nd Dan Demeyer, 3rd Bruce Stertzbach, 4th Andy Higgins. This will be a 1-year obligation 4- H judges – Shane Bidwell, Tyler Bush, Travis Penbrook, Kendall Brenner Chris Mullidan.

Loran Wilson explained the ISF has priced us out of the possibility of hosting another Jr. National Show. He has an Activities Committee meeting soon and he could let them know if we were interested in hosting. 500-700 head are expected to come to an Eastern Regional Show. There was discussion about facilities that might be available. Clint asked for volunteers for a committee to investigate the possibility of us hosting an Eastern Regional Show. Deanna Hofing. Dr. Lamb, Kevin Swaim volunteered to investigate facilities options and other information.

New Business- Krista Stillwell announced she recently received an email for the grant cycle for the Boone County Fairgrounds use. We would have to apply for the 1st cycle. She wanted to make sure we wanted to apply for this grant. The more participants an event has, the better chances that organization has of getting the grant.

Jerry Ott share the American Herford Assoc. just announced a genetic defect making the cattle go blind around 1 yr of age.

Dr. Phil Howell shared he was not able to attend the convention due to a recent illness.

Communications Committee Report– Krista Stillwell reported for the committee. She reminded us that contract advertising contracts will go out after Christmas. We are seeing a drop in advertising and asked us to reach out to those related to the cattle business. Dr. Phil Howell mentioned our distribution list and how we need to keep this up. Krista then spoke about the value of membership and how to create a membership drive.

A motion to close the meeting was made by Kevin Swaim. Dr. Phil Howell 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Clint Coverdale opened the new meeting for election of officers.

Joe Horstman presented for the Nomination Committee a slate of officers.

Clint Coverdale- President

Joe Horstman- President Elect

Carla Dawson- Vice President

Julie Innis-Secretary

Melanie Ritz-Treasurer

Clint Coverdale asked for nominations from the floor. There were none. Nominations were closed.

Motion Jeff Sherfield made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presented. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Bruce Lamb.

Announcements- Jeff Shefield announced the IBCA mtg. Jan. 13th Bryan Shuter is new director. IBCA area meetings started today and will run through the 18th . Jeff Sherfield thanked everyone for the opportunity to be part of the officer team.

Loran Wilson announced the Southern end of the state is hosting a workshop on Jan. 18th Orange Co. hosting a weaning forum. He had flyers to pass out. He also stated they are seeing tremendous results in the Angus Link program. 18 to 20 cents a lb premium. He asked if anyone knew what happened to the boxes and a metal cactus with lights that disappeared too.

Jeff Sherfield motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was 2nd by Kevin Swaim. The motion passed was voted on and passed unanimously.

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