Duane & Julie Stephens
1946 CR 800E
West Salem, IL 62476
The 2022 Southern Indiana Angus Association Sale is just around the corner, and we are excited to again be serving as your sale manager. The sale will once again be held in Little York, IN on Saturday, April 2nd at 1pm.
It is time to be selecting and nominating sale consignments. This nomination sheet should be used for all entries. Be sure to save the file after completion before attaching and returning via email. Also, make sure you receive a follow up email from us verifying receipt of your nomination.
Email the spreadsheet to goldbucklecattle@gmail.com. If you are mailing via USPS, be sure to include the following:
Animal name as it appears on the registration paper
Date of birth
Registration number
Sire and dam information including registration numbers
Actual BW, WW, YW info (if available)
Breeding dates, PE dates, or calf information with service sire registration number, and footnotes.
Consignor details and contact information as it should appear in the catalog
Nomination deadline will be Jan 30th, 2022. Deadline for pictures to be included in the catalog is Feb 15th. Feel free to contact me with questions, or if you would like assistance in selecting your nominations. The success of the sale depends greatly on the quality and marketability of your offering.
Again in 2022, we will be webcasting the sale with real time bidding on Liveauctions.tv. Professional pictures and videos of your consignments are crucial for the success of marketing when utilizing this tool. Brooklyn Graham will be serving as the administrator for Live Auctions and is available to picture and video or answer any questions you may have. Schedule your pictures and videos early with her at 812-530-0748, or with these suggested photographers; Andy Higgins 615-306-6446, Landon Hall 502-741-7875, or Bradley Wilson 270-427-6541. Or feel free to use your own professional livestock photographer. We reserve the right to reject any photographs or videos for quality. Please have your photographer contact Brooklyn with formatting information for use on Live Auctions. Remember the catalog picture deadline of Feb 15th when scheduling pictures.
Consider these items while preparing for the sale.
Nomination deadline is Jan 30th, catalog picture deadline is Feb 15th.
A nomination fee of $100/head MUST also be included by Feb 1st and is nonrefundable. Sale consignments will not be cataloged if the nomination fee has not been paid. Make checks payable to Gold Buckle Cattle Services.
Include a brief footnote with your nomination as an aid in marketing your consignment.
Original registration papers ARE REQUIRED for all consignments and must be brought to the sale and be signed and turned into sale management on Friday April 1st.
Health papers are to be prepared for possible shipment to any surrounding states. Bring 3 copies of all health papers along to the sale. Each lot should be on an individual health paper and must have an 840 series EID ear tag.
A semen evaluation of all bulls 1 year of age by sale day is required and must include scrotal measurements.
All consignments must be at the sale facility no later than 1pm, April 1st.
Washing of animals will not be allowed in the chute in the middle of the barn. A pen toward the load out area will be available for spot washing. You may want to consider other arrangements prior to arriving for washing.
All consignors must be a paid member of the Southern Indiana Angus Association to sell in the sale
All females selling 45 days bred or over must be examined safe in calf by veterinarian palpation with confirmation included on health paper. Blood test confirmation is also acceptable with a copy of the lab confirmation.
Be sure to take precautions to ensure that heifers selling as open, are open.
Be sure to contact sale management to assist any potential buyers if needed.
We should all look to strive to increase the quality and success of the Southern Indiana Angus Association Sale to uphold its many years of tradition.
Thank You!!!