The American Angus Auxiliary proudly presents the fourth annual "Full Circle Online Auction," a national Angus consignment sale. "Full Circle Online Auction" is an innovative web-based consignment market that offers Angus breeders, families and allied industry the opportunity to both sell and buy, while making a substantial contribution to help ensure the sustainability of the Auxiliary's ongoing support of the Angus breed and it's youth.
The online auction will be held November 6-7, 2019 hosted by www.AngusLive.com. Proceeds will support the Auxiliary's mission, including breed promotion, beef education, and youth development through programs, awards and scholarships.
Consignors can donate 100% to the Auxiliary or can choose to receive 50% of the gross revenue their lots generate. The last three years, Full Circle Online Auction has raised over $11,000 each year.
The Auxiliary invites you to be a part of this exciting event! Bid on this year’s consignments or consider donating to the sale next year. Committee members will be on hand at Angus Convention in Reno to assist with bidding, or to sign you up to consign for 2020.
For more information, visit http://www.angusauxiliary.com/fundraisers/FullCircleOnlineAuction.html, or contact a committee member or Auxiliary Board Member.