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Saturday, December 8: Director's Meeting Minutes

Indiana Angus Association

Director’s Meeting

Elanco, Greenfield IN

December 8, 2018

Meeting was called to order Cody Sankey 12:42 welcomed December he explained that after our general meeting, we would have a meeting with elections to follow.

Those in attendance: President Cody Sankey, 1st Vice President Rob Knott, 2nd Vice President Steve Shoup, Treasurer & Director for Southwest Les Carmichael, Secretary Julie Innis, Directors- South Rex Kovert, South Ralph Meyer, Southwest Sandy Carmichael, West Central Steve Patton, Northwest Bob Dragani, Northern Dr. Bruce Lamb, Southeast Dr. Phil Howell, Southeast Brandon Waterman, West Central Kevin Swaim, Southeast Cortney Cates- other Kevin Newman, Krista Stillwell

Secretary Report- The secretary’s report was passed out by Julie Innis. Rob Knott mad a motion to accept the report as presented. The motion was 2nd by Steve Shoup. The motion was voted on and passed with unanimous vote.

Treasurer Report- 3 pages were handed out by Les Carmichael. Les reviewed all 3 handouts. There was discussion regarding the directory and advertising income being down and this is a 3 year trend. We had cut the amount of directories printed this year but still have approximately 4 boxes remaining. Dr. Howell mentioned donating directories in welcome packets to the upcoming NJAA. Krista Stillwell mentioned targeting digitally for less money than printing out more directories. Cody Sankey suggested we look at long term, going forward to peel it back because our advertising pages are not selling for what they used to. Steve Shoup asked about outstanding bills. Les shared outstanding bills at this time. Steve asked if we should limit the amount of time or add a late fee for those not paying bill on time. Steve Shoup moved to accept the Treasure’s report as presented. Dr. Howell 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed with unanimous vote.

Budget and Finance Report – Kevin Swaim reported we will have an audit in December or January. See handout for report - Kevin reviewed projected budget report for 2019. He went over each line item. Kevin asked directors how they felt about the expanded financial statement. Directors agreed they liked the itemized projected budget. Cody suggested keeping a labor section separate in the news and directory. Kevin said he would include this in the final budget proposal coming in February. Bob Dragani suggested an accrual report vs. a cash report. Kevin stated that is the direction we are headed. Cody asked why we had more income budgeted for directory sales. Kevin stated he thinks there are some things we can do differently to increase money in this line item. There was quite a bit of discussion regarding keeping the projected income of directory sales at what was suggested vs. lowering it 1000.00. Kevin Swaim suggested we moved it to 12,500.00 From 13,500.00 The vote to approve this projected budget will be taken at our February meeting.

Activities/ Show Report- Rob Knott reported the beef congress had 5 sale heifers entered and ended up with 2. Both sold for $2900.00 each. We had 28 steers 115 heifers representing the Angus breed at the show. He noted he would like to see participation in the sale in the future. Rob reported on the Preview show. He reviewed the financial statement from the show. See handout. – Sullivan Supply will be a sponsor again this year. The date will continue on Father’s Day weekend. This is the 3rd weekend of June- Rob suggested moving the Jr. Show to Saturday and the open show on Sunday with the intent of getting families home sooner on Sunday. This would involve moving showmanship to Saturday. Discussion took place regarding this switch. There were 118 head participating in the open show and 126 in Junior Show last year. Rex Kovert made a motion to accept the proposal to have the Jr. Show on Sat. and Open Show on Sun. The motion was 2nd by Steve Shoup. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Preview Show judge for the open show will be Jerod Boydard . Kevin Swaim reported on the State Fair. He shared we pulled blood on both steers at the state fair and both were fine. Payments need to be paid to the Champion and Reserve Champion as well as reflected in the projected budget for next year. Kevin shared upcoming changes in 4-H show, check in will be conducted electronically. There is more prize money this year for beef 4-H. The grand champion heifer will receive 3000.00 the reserve 2000.00. Slick steers will be shown together as a division. Then champ slick steer will be in the steer drive. Market heifer classes will be shown by weight. He shared feedback from exhibitors. They liked the change in stalling with animal on one side and tack on other of aisles. They have not announced open show judge. The open show will be on Wednesday early in the morning. Angus will be shown in the afternoon .He has sent reports to AAA for premium monies. This year payments are based on last year numbers.

Membership Report- Julie Innis reported we have 262 members.

Auxiliary Report- no report – Sandy Carmichael asked a question regarding our meeting in Feb. asking if was possible to have the room divided if possible.

Jr. Report- Our juniors were meeting at the same time as adults. They were going to discuss updating some junior equipment.

History-Kevin Swaim reported Mary Watkins had volunteered to organize and sort. She has not been able to do this yet but is planning on doing this the 1st of April. She would like 1-2 people there who have some knowledge of Indiana Angus history. We will need to give out 2-3 historic awards this year at the banquet.

Long Range Report- Ralph Meyer has contacted Angus Link- it gather all the information they need but it takes approx. 1 year to collect this information. Angus Link people will be coming to our February meeting to share information with us. We can do our 1st sale using their yellow tag program. He would like to get advertising started. He is recommending a precondition sale at Little York. Possible date May 7th spec. verification of Angus bulls or cows, bunk broke, castrated.

Communications Report- see handout-from Krista. Molly was unable to attend but will attend February. Krista’s job description was on hand out. Changes or additions were in red/brown ink. She has heard from Amy Liebrandt wanting to verify costs for her district’s advertising. This would be West Central Distric. They were charged for a full pg ad. They were charged less that what we advertised; Krista wanted clarification if there was a different price for districts. Rob Knott moved we charge districts $110.00 per pg. for a full pg ad. This motion was 2nd by Steve Shoup. After some discussion, Rob Knott amended the motion to $150.00 for a full pg. ad with 10% discount if booked for 3 consecutive ad issues. This amendment was 2nd by Steve Patton. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Krista explained she and Molly have created a contract for an advertiser to sign for documentation and a paper trail. She will bring those to the February meeting to be approved by the board. The new billing will become effective the start of the 2019 year. Krista described her job description- see handout- and added additional detail from the last time she presented. Dr. Howell had Molly’s job description via email. She wanted to make sure we understood her job description. Cody added he would like to see an addition of an attendance requirement to our meetings. Ralph Meyer moved that we approve Krista’s requested pay increase and include she attend 50% of the meetings. Steve Patton 2nd the motion. It was discussed that Molly has not billed our association for commissions. Krista explained the new advertisers have come in through the website not been sought out by Molly or Krista. They both felt since they had not gotten the advertisers through solicitations, they did not want to ask for a commission. We will continue to pay Molly what we agreed to in the past. Her job description will remain the same but added the same attendance requirement of attending 50% of our meetings. Kevin Swaim made a motion to add in the meeting attendance to her job description and accept job description for the next year with total pay of $5250.00. The motion was 2nd by Steve Shoup. Motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Annual Banquet - Cody reminded everyone our Annual Banquet and meeting will be in West Lafayette Feb. 9th at the Outpost. We will have meetings in the morning, workshops and presentations in the afternoon and then our dinner banquet in the evening.

Old business- none

New business- Ralph Meyer suggested we offer to pay ½ of the pizza meal for today. Ralph Meyer moved we pay ½ cost of lunch today. Dr. Lamb 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed with unanimous vote.

Kevin Swaim updated us on projected numbers for the proposed 2019 budget.

Steve Shoup brought up payments for advertising not being paid yet. Bob Dragani moved- you should not have more than 2 outstanding invoices, and if you do you will not be able to advertise until there is a zero balance. This would be effective immediately. The motion was 2nd by Ralph Meyer. The motion voted on passed unanimously. Then there was discussion about our treasurer letting Molly know who has not paid. It was suggested Molly send our treasurer a list of everyone advertising in the news. The treasurer should communicate with Molly as to who has an outstanding balance. Bob Dragani moved the board request the Indiana News ads list be hard copied and mailed to our treasurer, secondly the treasurer advise the person (Molly) making the ads what is the status of the paid balances are by the first of each month. The ads information list will be sent to the treasurer within 48 hours of it being sent to the printer. This motion was 2nd by Steve Patton the motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Steve Patton asked to address this same procedure for the directory as well. Steve Shoup made a motion-Ads in the directory must be paid by May 15th or they do not get printed. Sandy Carmichael 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Cody shared that Jacelyn (Activities Director of NJAAS) spoke with Cody about Indiana hosting NJAS 2022 or 2023.

Brandon Waterman shared that emailed invoices need to be paid in timely fashion. Rob Knott commented to involve him if this happens again or it was suggested to include the President on emailed invoices.

Cortney Cates asked if fellowship meal at Preview was going away or if any changes have been made for the meal. She stated the juniors had wanted to conduct a live auction at this meal. Cody stated there were problems with who was supposed to pay what for the meal last year. This year there needs to be clarification on who pays for what. Steve Patton stated it needs to be clear going into the meal what has been brought in as meal donations collected with entry fees. There were also concerns if we move the Junior show to Saturday it might not allow enough time for Juniors to have meetings they typically have on Saturday of Preview.

Cody reminded us again, the next meeting in West Lafayette- Out Post 10: 00 am Steve Shoup moved we adjourn our meeting. The motion was 2nd by Ralph Meyer. Motion carried. Time 3:32

2nd meeting - Elections

Cody Sankey opened our second meeting and opened the floor for nominations of 2019 State Officers.

Steve Shoup moved Rob Knott be nominated for President The motion was 2nd by Steve Patton. Dr. Howell moved we close the floor for nominations. This was 2nd by Dr. Lamb. Vote for President was conducted, it was unanimous Rob Knott was elected President for 2019.

Cody Sankey nominated Steve Shoup for 1st Vice President. This nomination was 2nd by Steve Patton. Dr. Howell moved we close the floor for nominations. This was 2nd by Dr. Lamb. Steve Shoup was elected as our 1st Vice President with unanimous vote.

Steve Shoup then nominated Kevin Newman for 2nd Vice President. This nomination was 2nd by Bob Dragani Dr. Howell moved we close the floor for nominations. This was 2nd by Dr. Lamb. Kevin Newman was elected 2nd Vice President with a unanimous vote.

Dr. Lamb nominated Julie Innis for Secretary the nomination was 2nd by Steve Patton. Dr. Howell moved we close the floor for nominations. This was 2nd by Dr. Lamb. Julie Innis was elected Secretary with unanimous vote.

Steve Shoup nominated Les Carmichael for Treasurer the nomination was 2nd by Steve Patton. Dr. Howell moved we close the floor for nominations. This was 2nd by Dr. Lamb. Les Carmichael was elected treasurer with unanimous vote.

Ralph Meyer moved we close meeting for new officer nominations and elections. This motion was 2nd by Cody Sankey. Motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

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