The following by-law amendment was submitted at the December meeting of the Indiana Angus Auxiliary. The membership felt it would be advantageous to separate the offices of Secretary and Treasurer.
Pursuant to ARTICLE XII of the Auxiliary the by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided notice of the proposed amendment is published in the Indiana Angus News, or members notified in writing not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
This proposal will be voted on at the Indiana Angus Auxiliary annual meeting, which in ARTICLE IV states that is to be held in April and called the Spring Luncheon. They shall take office at the December meeting of the same year. No officer shall be re-elected for more than two consecutive terms.
These changes will be made:
ARTICLE IV, Section 3 - Secretary
A. Keep an accurate record of the minutes of the annual, regular, executive and special meetings and make a copy for the President.
B. Cooperate with the President in arranging the Order of Business for all meetings of the Auxiliary.
C. Prepare and present a report at the Annual and regular meetings and receive and file all reports of the officers and committee chairmen for future reference.
D. Be a member of the Budget Committee.
ARTICLE IV, Section 4 - Treasurer
A. Maintain accurate and complete financial records for the Indiana Angus Auxiliary.
B. Receive, deposit, and disburse money as provided and directed by the provisions of ARTICLE IX.
C. When there is a Ways and Means Committee or Ways and Means fundraiser keep an accurate record of all transactions.
D. Have the accounts audited by the Audit Committee at the close of the fiscal year and after paying all outstanding bills, turn over the records to her successor.
E. Be a member of the Budget Committee.
ARTICLE VII, Section7 - Budget Committee
A. (remains as is)
B. The Budget Committee shall consist of the following: 1. Secretary 2. Treasurer 3. Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, when applicable 4. Member appointed by the President 5. Chairman of the Scholarship Committee 6 The Vice-President will be the advisor